Camas Wood recognised in Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards 2023

Camas has received a Commended plaque for our entry in the "new native woods" category in Scotland's Finest Woodland Awards this year.
Scotland's Finest Woods Award Commended Plaque
A commended plaque for the New Native Woods in the Scotland’s Finest Woods. R.Wardle 2023

Camas has received a Commended plaque for our entry in the “new native woods” category in Scotland’s Finest Woodland Awards 2023.

Our new woodland has come on a treat in the past 5 years thanks to input from so many individuals and organisations. It is an amazing place to explore. We head into the woodland daily with our guests on our lunchtime ‘Tree’ GSD (Get Stuff Done) and folk enjoy wielding a basher to go and bash the bracken around our new trees. It’s an honour to be recognised by a prestigious national award, especially as our woodland, although loved and used, is not a primary focus of what we do at Camas.

Two judges braved the track to view the woodland earlier this year before a mad dash for a ferry and fed back that the wood is “an interesting scheme in a very remote location. The team is to be commended for what they have achieved in this fascinating area with limited knowledge of silviculture and woodland management.”

The winners of the category are also in the Isle of Mull, Martyn’s Wood at Crannich in the north of the island. You can see the award ceremony and read more about the awards on the Scotland’s Finest Woods Award website.

Special thanks to the Woodland Trust for their support setting up the woodland and supporting us to enter the awards.

And massive thanks and respect to the Camas Crew of the tree planting time, for their vision and drive to get this beautiful woodland established.

Planting the new woodland 2018
Planting the new woodland 2018
Young leaders freeing trees Spring 2023
Young leaders freeing tree Spring 2023, P.Johnson 2023
The Woodland August 2023
The Woodland August 2023. R.Wardle 2023
Releasing the trees Spring 2023
Releasing the trees Spring 2023 P.Johnson 2023











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