Our aim through our resourcing teams is to equip, resource and inspire all who reach out to us in new ways to work and pray for justice and peace. We do this through the work and witness of our Wild Goose Resource Group and through the publication of books and eresources through Wild Goose Publications. We draw together our training and learning resources under the Iona Learn banner.


If you join the Iona Community in worship on Iona, you will find a pattern of daily worship that reflects our life together. At our Camas Centre on Mull you will find us reflecting on each day in simple, down-to-earth ways.

In our Family Groups and Regions, you will hear us sing, pray, rage and reflect on gospel and life, many of us with doubts and questions. Through our Prayer Circle you will meet our global members praying for peace and healing for individuals and nations


Our members and associate members meet in focussed cluster groups around key areas of concern to the Iona Community. Through these networks, we resource and support one another to be reflective and active in the world. We also work together for systemic change through campaigning, lobbying, demonstrating, and taking action for justice. All of this action is rooted in prayer and reflection.


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