
Prayer Circle Sponsors

Sponsors are people who request prayer in the longer-term for a person or situation. Some sponsor themselves. They are asked to provide an update every two months.

Prayer Circle Intercessors

An Intercessor is someone who commits themselves to praying on a regular basis for the twelve or so people and situations on one of the lists of prayer requests. Some intercessors commit to more than one list. Many intercessors are also sponsors.

Prayers for what?

Prayers are requested for people who are ill or in trouble, for families in conflict, for people fleeing war or persecution, for people without work, for those working to alleviate injustice: In short, for anyone suffering physically, emotionally, or spiritually. We also have a section on prayers for thanksgiving, for prayers answered, situations alleviated, and other reasons for joy.

Becoming involved

Anyone can sponsor another person, a situation, or themselves, for prayer by the Prayer Circle. Please send your request to the Prayer Circle Co-ordinator (details below). There is no limit to time spent on the prayer lists, but we ask that you send in updates every second month, as without them it is difficult to hold the person in prayer. If we do not hear for four months we will assume that the situation has been resolved. Sponsors normally send in up to three requests.

The newsletter

Prayer Circle sponsors and intercessors receive a newsletter every two months. This includes a list of situations for which thanksgiving is offered.


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