World Environment Day 2024

Bright pink azalea flowers

On this World Environment Day 2024 we reflect on the interconnectedness of Creation and invite you to join us at our Environment related weeks on Iona and Mull.

Behold the Coastal Alabama azalea in its full springtime glory! She blooms in mid-March around the Spring equinox and shares her fleeting beauty for about a month until the hard rains of April disrobe her.  

Two of our beloved canine companions rest eternally below her, embraced in her root mass. She is the year-round home of the residential Carolina wrens and the vacation home of migratory cardinals visiting from the Neotropics.  

An occasional wood thrush passing through enjoys her hospitality. It’s not just birds that find refuge in her boughs though, small green anole lizards share her branches throughout the year and bumblebees visit her blooms each Spring.  

Every creature she shelters accepts its obligation in relations to all the others. All are busy at the work of the Kingdom.

This Coastal Alabama azalea demonstrates our interconnectedness. Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead reminds us that “Relations are what a thing IS.” The theologian Richard Rohr underscores this truth, highlighting that our holiness is measured by the depth of our connections—with both humans and the natural world.

An Earth and Environment Day Prayer 

Triune God, we praise your handiwork, your design
and renew our vow to cherish and honour all creatures here below.
We accept our obligation to respect each linkage in your web of life
and enter into the bond of love by which the Holy Spirit
lifts us into relationship, service and humility.
In your name, and in the Wholeness of your grandeur,
we pray that your will be done. Amen

Ran Nisbett, moderator of the Iona Community Environment Common Concern Network.

Why not book your place on a creative and engaging environment themed week on Iona or Mull:

Deepen your journey into inter-connectedness with all of Creation. Join us at Iona Abbey or at Camas outdoor Centre on the Isle of Mull for one of these immersive and energising environment themed weeks: 

Care for Creation – 3 or 6 nights

Iona Abbey Centre Isle of Iona, United Kingdom

This week is now also open for 3 night stays. Do you need to sharpen your vision of a world transformed? Are you longing to connect with others who care for Creation? Discover how you can act more justly for people and planet.

Environment Week

Join Kathy Galloway and the Camas team to explore what it means to ‘Come Back to Our Senses’ in relationship with our environment and our approach to the climate crisis.

Earth, My Body

Join us for a week of embodiment, creativity, nature connection and reflection. This week is dedicated to remembering the body as sacred, through relationship with the earth. Led by Camas Coordinator and Dance/Movement Therapist, Fiona McFarlane.  

Pilgrimage of life (FULLY BOOKED)

Iona Abbey Centre Isle of Iona, United Kingdom

Exploring our lives as pilgrimage, deepening our resources to face climate change with Alastair McIntosh, author of Parables of Northern Seed, Soil and Soul, Hell and High Water, Poacher’s Pilgrimage and more.

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