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Songs for Lent and Holy Week

John Bell regrets he has had to postpone this event, due to bereavement. Rescheduled for Fri 13th November 2020. In this workshop for local church choirs, John Bell will introduce a mixture of congregational and choral items.

The Imagination as an Aid to Belief

John Bell regrets he has had to postpone this event, due to bereavement. Rescheduled for Sat 14th November 2020. John Bell will lead this morning's Adult Education Forum as part of his Scholar in Residence weekend at First Presbyterian, Howard County.

Sing with the World

John Bell regrets he has had to postpone this event, due to bereavement. Rescheduled for Sat 14th November 2020. At this Big Sing, John Bell will introduce music from all continents, including several new additions.

Liturgy and Justice: Allies or Enemies?

John Bell regrets he is no longer able to give this lecture, due to bereavement. His visit has been rescheduled for Thurs 12th November 2020. The Reformed Church Center at New Brunswick Theological Seminary welcomes John L. Bell to give the 2019-2020 Poppen-Young Lecture in Reformed Worship. He will be leading two programs during his

The Effect of Sung Text on Faith Development

John Bell regrets he has had to cancel this event, due to bereavement. John Bell will lead worship at the Baltimore Presbytery gathering, and a workshop on the themes of improving congregational song and the effect of sung text on faith development.

The Spirituality of the Psalms

John Bell regrets he has had to postpone this event, due to bereavement. Rescheduled for March 5th-7th 2021. For many believers, the Psalms comprise an essential part of the liturgy of Holy Communion—a welcome pause between the Old Testament reading and the Epistle. The Psalms are much more than this. They are words which nourished

POSTPONED: Jesus, Justice & Joy

LITTLE VOICES: BIG DIFFERENCE - Spring 2020 Day of Reflection organised by the Leeds Diocesan Justice & Peace Commission. “Where people seldom sense the power of scripture and song in their liturgical life as it reflects or responds to the realities of lived life, we need to recapture the sight of a God who so

Holy Week at Derby Cathedral

John Bell’s Holy Week Reflections are coming on the Cathedral website from Sunday 5th April. We’re sorry John couldn’t be with us at Derby Cathedral but we’re hugely grateful to him for supplying the scripts of his talks.   

POSTPONED: The Spirituality of the Psalms


The Psalms, which we often see as an intermission between two Sunday readings, have a more profound significance. They were, and still are, one of the foundations of Jewish spirituality. In this retreat we will explore how they can enliven our own devotional life and belief. Led by John Bell.

POSTPONED: Horror and Humour in the Bible

To the casual reader, humour in the Bible can be totally lost, mostly because we have a habit, when reading privately, of hearing the dullest lector or priest reading the verses in a monotone. But the humour is there, in the Old Testament and in the New for those who have ears to hear. Horror


The Revd John L. Bell will be joining Open Table Liverpool, to lead their monthly Communion Service.

POSTPONED: Conceived in sin – the fun of it!

St Bride’s Public Theology Lecture with John L. Bell. The doctrine of original sin, more than any other theological construct, led to untold awkwardness with regard to issues of gender and sexuality in the Christian churches. Its foundations, which are not secure, need a bit of shaking for the benefit of the biased and beleaguered

Ind i Bibelens bøger – en verden af liv

'Into the Books of the Bible - a world of life' In 2020, a new Bible was published in Denmark, in an accessible translation. In this conference, the workshops, lectures, liturgies and discussions will inspire and explore how to use the Bible in a new way. Large parts of the programme will take place in

Exploring the Imagination

Led by John L. Bell. For some people it is a bogus reality, for others a source of delight, but what was God's purpose in bestowing those made in God's image with imagination? In this retreat we will look both at the Divine imagination as exhibited in scripture, and at how our lives are fed

Exploring the Imagination

9. Camas primary school 1

CANCELLED. Sadly, the Abbey is now closed to any further programme sessions in 2020. For some people it is a bogus reality, for others a source of delight, but what was God’s purpose in bestowing those made in God’s image with imagination? In this week we will look both at the Divine imagination as exhibited

The Imagination in Faith, Life and Society

Regarded by some as a dubious entity, the imagination is actually a means by which we can think creatively about ourselves, our faith and our future. The psalmists, the prophets and Jesus all used their imaginations to startle people into a deeper understanding of God and his purposes. This is what we will explore in

Liturgy and Justice: Allies or Enemies?

Alvin J. Poppen & John R. Young Lecture in Reformed Worship, delivered by John L. Bell, online via Zoom. Begins 10am Eastern Time (USA & Canada). Please register here.  

Celebrating the Psalms

The Scottish Church Theology Society 2021 Conference will feature presentations on the Psalms by SUE GILLINGHAM, Emeritus Professor of the Hebrew Bible at the University of Oxford, ROWAN WILLIAMS who has recently retired as the Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, and JOHN L. BELL who works for the Iona Community in the areas of worship,

Light in the Darkness

On the Feast of Candlemas, the Iona Community’s John Bell will stop by to explore ways of coping with the Covid crisis. Hosted by The Edinburgh Jesuit Centre on Zoom. For more information, contact:

The Spirituality of the Psalms

For many believers, the Psalms comprise a central part of the liturgy of Holy Communion - a welcome pause between the Old Testament reading and the Epistle. The Psalms are much more than this. They are words which nourished the spirituality of Jesus. They abound in insights regarding God's relationship with the natural world, they

Meditating on the Miracles

The miracles of Jesus don't so much get a bad press as get overlooked. It is as if they are an impediment to belief. If they were few in number, they might more easily be jettisoned in favour of Jesus’ 'rational' teaching. But they are not. Cut them out of Mark's Gospel and the pages

Engaging with the Miracles

via Zoom For many Christians, the Miracles are wonderful signs which show the power of God in Jesus. But when we explore them, we discover that they are much more. They reveal to us the goodness and contrariness of humanity – both personal and social – and the sensitivity of Jesus, and they challenge our

Ten by Eight

There are ten Commandments and eight Beatitudes. The former are considered to be restrictive (Thou Shalt Not), the latter rather vague (to be 'meek' sounds a bit insipid). They are long due for refreshment. John Bell will argue that the Commandments are about liberation, and the Beatitudes about the potential in all of us. This

The Spirituality of the Psalms


The Psalms, which we often see as an intermission between two Sunday readings, have a more profound significance. They were, and still are, one of the foundations of Jewish spirituality. In this retreat we will explore how they can enliven our own devotional life and belief. Led by John Bell.

Exploring the Imagination

9. Camas primary school 1

For some people it is a bogus reality, for others a source of delight, but what was God’s purpose in bestowing those made in God’s image with imagination? In this week we will look both at the Divine imagination as exhibited in scripture, and at how our lives are fed and nurtured by the creative

The Time is Now

As the world gathers in Glasgow for COP26, join Christian Aid, Dr Rowan Williams, the Kingdom Choir and the Young Christian Climate Network for a night of music, prayer and inspiration at Glasgow Cathedral. Contributors include: Dr Rowan Williams, outgoing chair of Christian Aid Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, Chief Executive of Christian Aid The Kingdom Choir, London-based choir,

Horror and Humour in the Bible

To the casual reader, humour in the Bible can be totally lost, mostly because we have a habit, when reading privately, of hearing the dullest lector or priest reading the verses in a monotone. But the humour is there, in the Old Testament and in the New for those who have ears to hear. Horror

The Forgotten Stories

The notion that 'Christmas is a time for the kids' has helped to turn the Advent and Christmas seasons into a babyfest. It also eclipses the significance of incarnation, the importance of adults and even the connection to a woman who murdered a man in a campsite. This short retreat will pull back the curtain

Wee Sing

Songs from the World Church and music celebrating creation led by John Bell

Celtic Perspectives on COP26

Exploring a theological response to COP26 informed by the Iona Community commitment to uphold the integrity of creation, with John Bell.

John Bell in Maine

John Bell will be in Maine, USA, 25 - 29 March, leading various events, singing & exploring dimensions of faithful and engaged living. All events are open to the public (free will offering). Friday, March 25, 2022 6:00-8:00 pm, at The First Church in Belfast, UCC - In Person Workshop: A Celtic Christian View of

Celebration of Desmond Tutu

A celebration of the life of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. All are welcome to come along for this celebration, at which John Bell will lead singing and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Lord Jim Wallace, will speak, with involvement from representatives of different faiths and denominations. A workshop prior to the event led by

Good Reason to Sing

A celebration of the Church's song in anticipation of congregations being able to sing freely and unmasked with John Bell of The Iona Community. This will involve a some historical/hysterical perspectives on the various traditions of singing, and a sampling of the great varieties of song from home and abroad intended for all of God's

Revisiting the Psalms

Familiarity may not have bred contempt, but it might have bred low expectation or presumption when it comes to the psalms. For many worshippers they are most commonly experienced as the obligatory interlude, spoken or sung, between readings from the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament Letters. For the less liturgically inclined, a narrow selection

Believing Outside the Box

The last thirty years have confronted us with changed perceptions regarding women, race, ecology, national identity, global connectivity, rogue states. All of these have been the stuff of conversation, but often the churches have lacked a vocabulary with which to engage the faith it professes with the realities that surround us. This workshop, led by

The Celtic Tradition

At one time all of Britain benefitted from the Celtic expression of faith. In 664, the Synod of Whitby began to bring Britain into better conformity with the Rome-centred church life. In more recent years, there has been resurgence of interest in Celtic Spirituality regarding its affection for pilgrimage, its appreciation of the natural order,

Small Faithful Rural Conference

Small Faithful Rural: Authentic Rural Church is an opportunity to share in conversation and workshops focusing on the realities of church contexts that are small, faithful, and rural, organised by a representatives of the Church of England Dioceses of Carlisle, Durham, Newcastle, and Edinburgh. The conference will feature keynote inputs from John Bell and Bishop Helen-Ann

The Women Whom Men Forgot

The great biblical heroes with whom most people are familiar have names like Jacob, Moses, David, Gideon, Samson, Peter, Paul. Curiously not many women appear in the line-up of biblical greats. But they are there, even if their witness does not feature in Sunday morning readings. The hope is that in this retreat we will

The Beatitudes Revisited

Like the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes have such a revered place in Christian faith that in previous centuries some churches had the texts inscribed on their inside walls or interpreted in stained glass. But what do they mean, especially for today? Terms such as ‘the poor in spirit’ or ‘persecuted for righteousness’ sake’, words such

The Celtic Past and Our Current Context

POSTPONED TO APRIL 2023 The Celtic Spiritual tradition has enjoyed a revival in interest in the past three decades, in no small part due to interest expressed by people in the USA. This lecture will outline the main features of a distinct expression of Christian faith which has weathered over sixteen centuries, and will pay

The Quest for Thin Places

POSTPONED TO APRIL 2023. The thirst for intimacy with God, a better understanding of God, a sense of God's presence is a permanent feature of spiritual life. In this regard the question must always be asked as to whether we are looking for God or for a good feeling. The ancient Celts were not sentimentalists,

Bible and Church Music Conference

Gather, Celebrate, Serve - for the last century and the next! 100 years ago, Massanetta Springs' ministry began, as people gathered to be challenged and inspired through preaching and instruction, and to raise voices in song in praise to God. The Bible and Church Music conference is the official mark of the centennial. John Bell

Greenbelt Festival

Challenging Racism

Join the Festival in the beautiful grounds of Boughton House (near Kettering) from 26–29 August 2022 for a long weekend of artistry, activism and belief. John Bell is once again one of the speakers, and this year's theme is Wake Up! After all the uncertainty and anxiety of the last two years, Greenbelt wanted a

humbler church Bigger God conference

This September HeartEdge welcomes John Bell, Rachel Mann, Anderson Jeremiah and many other exciting contributors for a two-day conference: “humbler church, Bigger God” – a gathering of the HeartEdge community in Manchester. The conference is a practical, two-day intensive of ideas, theology and connecting. It includes workshops on enterprise and commerce, launching cultural projects, developing

Musing on the Miracles

9. Camas primary school 1

There are over thirty of them in the Gospels; but a combination of science and scepticism seems to have diminished interest in the phenomena. In this retreat we will look at the miracles, not as puzzles to be solved, but as some of Jesus’ most profound teaching blocks as regards justice, humanity and God’s biases.

Memory, Experience & Imagination

Aids To All Things Being Made New. A series of reflections on how, throughout our lives, we are gradually moving to deeper understandings of ourselves, our world and our Maker. We tend to sift anything new through one or more of the three sieves of memory (what has been), experience (what is) and imagination (what

Why Do God’s People Sing?

The Glasgow Weekend

The song of the Church is common property. It is a public phenomenon in which everyone is invited to participate. But why do we sing? Is it only to praise God? Might it be also to lament, or to educate ourselves, or to develop our faith? These and other good reasons for singing will be

With the Benefit of Hindsight

This retreat offers the opportunity to reflect on matters of life and faith, regarding which traditional Christian attitudes have been challenged, causing many people to change their minds or amended their theology. We will consider issues such as Biblical Truth, Race, Environment, Sex and Gender Issues, Technology and Public Worship. We will draw on the

Advent Retreat

Come and stay at our Urban Oasis and find some space and inspiration this Advent. The retreat will avoid, as much as possible, celebrating Christmas before it is due, and Advent will be given its proper place. Led by John Bell.

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