The Jar and the Jug

Jo Love, resource worker at the Wild Goose Resource Group has written a book, The Jar & The Jug: Retelling Bible Stories.

Through imaginative retellings, The Jar & The Jug offers ways in to the intriguing or impenetrable, heart-warming or horrendous, alien or alluring happenings we meet in the Bible. These retellings are written to deepen our curiosity so that we stay a while with the people and events described. Because these are our stories, and when we get inside them and they get inside us, life can be the richer for it.

Meet the Author

At a recent Wild Goose Publications Author event, Jo treated viewers to a fun evening of readings and conversation and a performance of 2 of the dialogues from the book.

Jo, along with Iona and Jane from WGP, treated viewers to a fun evening of readings and conversation and a performance of 2 of the dialogues from the book.  Jo talked about how Neil Paynter, the WGP editor persuaded her that her work with Spill the Beans should become a book or  two! She shared her approach to storytelling, explaining how she finds the human element in every story to bring a fresh perspective to familiar tales. She also talked about the next book in the series and an exciting future project she has in mind with John Bell. Plus we found out that back in her schooldays she was an award-winning poet!

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