Modern slavery in the UK

We see you Clewer Initiative

When the Poverty and Inequality CCN met on Anti-Slavery Day (18th October), the obvious topic was Modern Slavery.

A group member told us how inmates in some prisons in the USA are forced to work for the benefit of the owners of privately-run prisons. He also spoke of differences between what we call slavery now and the African chattel slavery to which his ancestors were subjected.

We heard about the Clewer Initiative in the UK, working to raise awareness and combat modern slavery, with the tag “We See You”.

The Safe Car Wash app and the Farm Work Welfare app can be downloaded for free. Both apps help us to spot the signs of modern slavery and to report suspicions anonymously.

As the Clewer Initiative says, one small act by one person could change or save the life of somebody in desperate circumstances.


Members and Associate Members (including Young Adult Group Members) meet together to pray, reflect and support one another through Common Concern Networks (CCNs) which focus on issues such as climate, racism, LGBTQ+ and peacemaking. You’ll find out more on our website.

If you would like to join the Poverty and Inequality CCN, email [email protected].

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