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Mainland Staff
- Rolf BillesLearn Development ManagerRolf BillesLearn Development Manager
My role is to be responsible for developing and co-ordinating the learning and equipping work of the Iona Community with volunteers and with our partners in learning. I also act as line manager of the Resource Workers in the Wild Goose Resource Group.
Having spent most of my working life in Church of Scotland parish ministry with congregations situated in city centre, housing estate, rural and suburban settings, I bring to my role a keen interest in how people learn and navigate through life. I am drawn to live on the threshold where life and spirituality meet and shake hands.
Born and raised in Romania and Germany and living in Scotland since 1992, I appreciate how each person’s background and personal story shapes who we are and how we express ourselves. I am married to Shirley, a teacher and educator, and together we are parents to four adult daughters.
What moves me is sharing life with other people, hearing their unique stories and take on life. And observing nature through the seasons.
What makes me laugh are the antics of my border collie Mia.
- Leanne ClellandCommunications ManagerLeanne ClellandCommunications Manager
I share this role with Wendy Lloyd. We are here to facilitate, support and join together the already brilliant and varied communications for and by the Iona Community.
Originally from Northern Ireland, I trained as a translator before moving to the charity sector in Scotland in 2005. I have almost twenty years' experience in communications for faith organisations large and small. I love shaping words and creating opportunities for people to think differently about how spirituality and life intersect.
- Lauren GibsonFinance ApprenticeLauren GibsonFinance Apprentice
I will be concentrating on finance admin while completing a Diploma in Digital Application Support, SCQF Level 6.
I am 18 years old and originally from Staffordshire, England😊. I moved up to Glasgow roughly 5 years ago now and I’m really enjoying it. I went to Chryston High School and that is where I was really focused on wanting to work with Finance and Admin as it was what I really enjoyed while in school.
I love traveling and it’s definitely something that I want to do a lot more in the future but I also love socialising with my friends and family, going out for food and shopping. But you can never beat a night in watching horror films and eating rubbish! - Torsten HaakExecutive DirectorTorsten HaakExecutive Director
I work collaboratively with the Leader in developing the strategic vision and direction of the Community’s work. My main task is to develop the business potential of the Community and provide strategic planning for its commercial activities; to assist the Council of the Community in fulfilling its governance duties; to lead, manage and support staff; and to deliver measurable outcomes. I have particular responsibility for the Iona Community's Resources: properties & estate, finances, operations and trading.
I am an architecture, planning & conservation graduate originally from Germany, who has worked in Scotland’s charitable grant aiding sector in managerial roles in the historic built environment for more than twenty-five years. I have worked in Germany, Japan, Edinburgh and Arbroath and for the last 15 years was Director of the Glasgow City Heritage Trust.
I have a keen interest in environmental protection and in encouraging people to take pride in their local place and heritage, which I see as a vital requirement for taking interest in and looking after our environment. As a former journeyman cabinetmaker and teacher I have a very strong interest in the up-skilling of young people and the capacity building of local communities.
I have volunteered as a Trustee for diverse organisations such as the Built Environment Forum Scotland (an umbrella organisation), Cultura Trust (cultural heritage access for all), the International Committee on Historic Cities, Towns and Villages (planning and management of historic settlements), COTAC (architectural conservation training), ICOMOS (World Heritage protection), Salix Dementia Trust (support for people with dementia and their carers) and Tayside and Strathclyde Building Preservation Trusts.
What moves me
I am moved by Scotland’s beautiful nature; walking my dog in a forest on a sunny autumn day, gazing over a stormy sea and quiet star-filled winter nights.
- Ruth HarveyLeaderRuth HarveyLeader
I support the voluntary membership movement of the Iona Community, acting as its public representative, offering theological direction and pastoral support. I also offer programme delivery and worship leadership, and support the strategic development of the charity.
Born and brought up in Scotland, with stints in Glasgow, Iona, Stirling, South India, Aberdeen, Germany, Amsterdam and Edinburgh, I now live in Cumbria with views of the northern fells and Ullswater (I enjoy swimming there as much as I can!).
I volunteer with Place for Hope as a Practitioner/ Mediator, having spent time training and working as a mediator in faith-based conflict. I've also edited a magazine, led the 'Living Spirituality Network', worked with global student Christian movements and been a Congregational Facilitator.
I am a Church of Scotland minister and a Quaker, and enjoy paddling a canoe with Nick and our family.
What makes me laugh out loud is political satire. What moves me at my deepest level is sitting outside round an open fire with good friends and fine nourishment, listening and talking and laughing together.
- Iona KimmittProject Support AdministratorIona KimmittProject Support Administrator
Come to me for any Wild Goose Resource Group enquiries or invitations, any Wild Goose Publications orders. You may hear from me on other admin enquiries, events and projects as well!
Named for a wonderful island and Community, I was born and raised in Stirling and now live in a refurbished maltings in central Fife (with a few stops in Glasgow, Dundee, and St Andrews along the way). I enjoy video games, learning Chichewa, and talking deeply with others (on- and off-line). I care deeply about peace, faith, the LGBTQ+ community and anti-racism and disability movements, and enjoy being able to share with others in working for a better present and future. I can sometimes be found wild swimming in the sea, or nearby trying to warm up afterwards!
What makes me laugh out loud is a good chat with friends or family. What moves me at my deepest level is thinking and learning about the personal experiences of a wide range of people, the hardships they've gone through, and what keeps them going.
- Sandra KramerWild Goose Publications Publishing ManagerSandra KramerWild Goose Publications Publishing Manager
I have worked with Wild Goose Publications since 1998, for most of that time as Publishing Manager.
In my previous life I lived/worked at Samye Ling Tibetan Buddhist Centre in Eskdalemuir, at the Salisbury Centre in Edinburgh and at the Findhorn Community.I love being out in the natural world.
- Wendy LloydCommunications ManagerWendy LloydCommunications Manager
I share this role with Leanne Clelland. We are here to facilitate, support and join together the already brilliant and varied communications for and by the Iona Community.
I am an Associate Member of the Iona Community and am grateful for the Community's influence on my life over the years.
I stayed at the Abbey for a week, as a guest, in 2008. I ended up moving to Scotland, from Northern Ireland, to work for Christian Aid Scotland as a result of that visit (Christian Aid were leading the programme at the Abbey that week). I met my husband, Jon, down the track at Camas in 2015 and have since moved to live on the Ross of Mull. I have the best of both worlds, I get to be part of the mainland team and live close enough to connect regularly with our wonderful island centres.
Before working for the Iona Community I worked in several roles at Christian Aid, including coordinating the creation of worship and theology resources for key moments in the year. I continue to work two days a week for the Guild of Health and St. Raphael as their resource development partner. And I guide pilgrims and provide spiritual direction through the Mull Another Way project.
I laugh out loud at the antics of my dog Wallace, he's a joyful and playful companion. In a few minutes he'll come and nudge my hands from typing on this keyboard since it is almost time for his supper. I am moved deeply by the wild and rugged beauty of the land and seascape that surround me. I am grateful to be here.
- Jo LoveResource Worker, Wild Goose Resource GroupJo LoveResource Worker, Wild Goose Resource Group
Wild Goose Resource Group is where I do my dream job. In this multi-faceted role, you might find me training lay worship leaders, facilitating playful Biblical exploration, encouraging deep conversation about prayer, preparing group-led participative liturgy… and lots more!
As a Resource Worker, I aim to be outward-focussed, partnership-forming, possibility-enabling and creativity-heightening! And I like inventing words. Some work is of our initiative and hosting; much is in response to invitations. I’ve recently worked with kindred spirits in Church of Scotland, Glasgow University, Soulmarks, Spill the Beans, URC Wales, World Day of Prayer.
Few things thrill me more than the feedback that the work of WGRG has led to a broader, deeper sense of what communal worship can be and a more colourful palette of elements brought to its shaping. In this work I passionately uphold the gameness of ordinary people, the wisdom in the room and the yeast of curiosity.
- Graham BellMac Project ManagerGraham BellMac Project Manager
I’m leading on the future of the Macleod Centre on Iona, or ‘The Mac’ as it is affectionately known. As project manager, this involves me in listening (stories, values, experiences), considering (practicalities, sensitivities, ambitions) and facilitating (the journey to reuse, inclusion, reliving). It is about sharing meaning and relevance within the Iona Community, the island community and our wider circle of partners and society. Weaving new threads into this ‘thin place’.
My calling has been to support people through change – usually projects in historic places soaked in traditions but needing some extra encouragement. I have responsibilities in charities from volunteering to management to governance and mentoring, in the UK and across Europe. I have been a member across a spectrum of Christian traditions from house church to being chair of a cathedral council, though my heart is shared between a Northumbrian church built in 1100 and one of England’s three oldest Presbyterian churches.
My entrepreneurial background in urban and rural regeneration has been applied from inception to funding to delivery and operation. This holistic ‘sum of the parts’ experience has led to my support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a guide to balancing the complexities of life.
Iona and the Abbey have been in my subconscious for decades, animated by mesmerising kaleidoscopic art and the Northumbria Community, now made real.
what makes me laugh is satire, like I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue; life is one song to the tune of another.
what moves me is the beauty around us, which we overlook in our haste and at our cost.
- Jane BentleyMusic Resource WorkerJane BentleyMusic Resource Worker
I’m a drummer, percussionist and music enabler, specialising in musical participation. I’m an associate member of the Iona Community, and found my path while spending three years living and working in the Abbey, where thanks to the example of the Wild Goose Resource Group I discovered that for me, it was more fun making music with, rather than for people. I went on to do a PhD in musical interaction in 2011 at Strathclyde University, and in the intervening years I’ve worked worldwide as a specialist in music in health, communication and social wellbeing. I recently took a year out on a fellowship with the Global Brain Health Institute – looking at music and brain health, and I continue to work with NHS inpatient mental health services as a musician, as well as being part of the ‘folk, feminism, and faith’ (quite the niche!) trio, Siskin Green. I run a monthly ‘Adventure Choir’ (an improvising choir that makes its own music) in Glasgow (all welcome!) - and teach people how to facilitate community drum circles.
What makes me laugh and what moves me at my deepest level?I love doing terrible woodwork and yoga; mediocre paddleboarding and cooking, and not too bad crafts. What makes me laugh is physical comedy (I used to be a puppeteer) – and what moves me is the myriad forms of human connection.
- Fiona MacdougallMembership AdministratorFiona MacdougallMembership Administrator
I am here to manage all of the Membership admin needs: happily updating emails and ensuring that your details are correct and that you have appropriate access to information. Come to me with all your membership needs.
I’m from Glasgow but have travelled around Scotland before coming back to Glasgow and settling in Castlemilk with my partner.
I am crafter and on my days off, you will find me on my laptop creating new designs, or at my craft table, creating new styles of cards. I also cross stitch and sew but can’t knit to save myself, no matter how many people try to teach me.I love a pub quiz. My specialist subject is Music and my claim to fame is that I was on Radio 2’s Popmaster. I got beat by one question but I proudly own a “One Year Out” t-shirt.
I am very active with my church and am a Registered Worship Leader for the Presbytery of Glasgow. I volunteer with the church a lot and am an elder in my local church in Castlemilk.
What makes me laugh: My friends and family, usually at our pub quiz on a Monday.
What moves me at my deepest level: is the beauty of the world, whether that is sitting next to the sea or watching squirrels out of my window. - Robin McLeanHead of Community ResourcesRobin McLeanHead of Community Resources
I am responsible for ensuring that we meet all our regulatory obligations with regard to governance of the charity and for ensuring that we are managing our money and are able to fund our valuable initiatives. Come to me for queries on budgets, health and safety, safeguarding and anything else related to our business operations
I come from Bothwell in Lanarkshire and join the Iona Community after a 30 year career in banking and then the energy industry. Most recently, I was part of Scottish Power’s Government Obligations team working to help Fuel Poor and Vulnerable customers heat their homes by installing Insulation and replacing old inefficient boilers.
I am active as a leader in the Boys’ Brigade and as an Elder at Cadzow Parish Church in Hamilton. I have recently been accepted as a Reader in Training with the Church of Scotland.
I have a long-standing connection to Iona, having holidayed there every July for about 20 years, learning to play golf on the machair. I am married to Karen and we have four sons.
what makes me laugh out loud is Terry Pratchett Books, what moves me at my deepest level is seeing young people achieve their goals
- Iain McLartyMusic Resource WorkerIain McLartyMusic Resource Worker
Anything and everything connected to music in worship! This includes leading workshops, producing new publications and recordings, reviewing the Iona Community's work in the area of global song and supporting staff on Iona. Above all I aim to empower other people in their creativity and to work collaboratively with wonderful colleagues.
I have a background as a church musician in a broad range of styles and am passionate about empowering creative ways of expressing faith, enabling the full and active participation of all God's people in worship, and the transformative power of music.
I have a particular interest in music and liturgy in an ecumenical and global context and am regularly involved in planning and leading worship at national and international events, including for the World Council of Churches. I also work as a freelance choir and orchestra conductor across Scotland and spent three years studying this in Denmark.
Before taking up this role, I worked for the Church of Scotland as Worship Development Worker for the Priority Areas team, which included being co-editor of "God Welcomes All", the supplement to the Church of Scotland's denominational hymnbook CH4.
I'm an Associate Member of the Iona Community and my faith has been hugely influenced by many experiences I have had and people I have met through the Community.
What makes me laugh?
The daft but adorable behaviour of Molly, our Golden Retriever.
What moves me at my deepest level?I am driven by a strong sense of justice and react strongly when I see people or the planet treated badly. This is at the core of my Christian faith and also drives my activism and political involvement.
- Suzanne MillerAdministratorSuzanne MillerAdministrator
Come to me for any type of administration queries. As part of the Admin Team I deal with the wide variety of weird and wonderful requests received across most areas of the Community. Which means I know things about a lot of different parts of the Iona Community. Luckily for me I really enjoy the variety of my job.
I joined the Iona Community staff team after having spent 3 years as a Student and Staff Administrator at a busy college and 17 years working in the Insurance industry, with my final few years there as an Internal Auditor. I am a fair weather gardener and love nothing more than getting lost amongst my pots and planters every summer. I enjoy spending time with my family and catching up with friends over a glass or two.
- Frances PatersonFinance OfficerFrances PatersonFinance Officer
I manage the day to day finances for the Iona Community and maintain accurate accounting records for all our transactions.
Come to me if you are wondering where your payment is!
I like to be creative, I love watercolour painting and calligraphy. I don’t take it too seriously as it’s just a hobby but it’s certainly a great way to relax and I can often be found scrolling Instagram or TikTok for inspiration!
During lockdown, I would bombard my Mum with my so-called ‘inspo’ notes and cards much to her dismay!
And to finish with….
What makes me laugh out loud is my Mums senior moments which we call ‘Molly-isms’.
What moves me at my deepest level is my family, they all mean the world to me!
- Neil PaynterProject Editor (Wild Goose, Coracle)Neil PaynterProject Editor (Wild Goose, Coracle)
Neil is an editor with Wild Goose Publications. He is also the editor the Iona Community's regular magazine, the Coracle.
In the past Neil worked in homeless shelters and as a cleaner.
Stand-up comedy makes him laugh. Music motivates him.
- Jane RileyWild Goose PublicationsJane RileyWild Goose Publications
I have been long-distance freelancing for Wild Goose Publications for the last 20 years.
Having spent most of my life working with words and pictures you could say I was a Jill of all trades and mistress of one or two. I love photoshop and figuring out how paper folds.
These days, I’m happily trying to create a bigger social media presence for our books and our authors. I fight hard and often for social justice issues and disability rights.
Glaswegians, Scousers, and New Yorkers make me laugh harder than anyone else.
- Karen TurnerSupport Services AdministratorKaren TurnerSupport Services Administrator
Come to me for all things adminy, processy and many random questions. Think of me as Sherlock Holmes “My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people do not know.”
I’ve had a varied admin based career including being a travel agent, and working for the YMCA. I worked in the old Front Office on Iona in the mid 2000s and when moving back home was offered a chance to do maternity cover part time in the Glasgow Office and am still here.
I have been a Full Member of Community, but am currently an Associate Member. When not at work, I enjoy singing and finding reasons not to do housework or gardening.
What moves me at my deepest level is a clear crispy dark starry sky ideally seen from a beach, wrapped in many layers of clothes and cuddling a hot chocolate.
- Gail UllrichLicensing & Royalties AdministratorGail UllrichLicensing & Royalties Administrator
I provide admin. support to Wild Goose Publications, particularly in the area of copyright & royalties. Having worked with the Wild Goose Resource Group for many years, I specialise in WGRG material!
- Caitlin WakefieldMembership ManagerCaitlin WakefieldMembership Manager
I’m responsible for ensuring that Members, Associate Members, Young Adults, Friends and Supporters are engaged in the life of the Community. This involves working with members' data and programme work. Come to me for questions about your Membership, ideas for how to get involved, and membership strategy.
I joined the Iona Community staff team after working for the Student Christian Movement where I was also previously a trustee. I’m passionate about membership development and how I can best serve the Members and Associate Members of the Iona Community. I also love the Community’s focus on radical hospitality and try to incorporate this in to my own life. I like knitting, reading and learning about social history.
What moves me at my deepest level is being able to share and be vulnerable with friends, and building my chosen family.
Islands Staff
- Andy EvansIona Maintenance CoordinatorAndy EvansIona Maintenance Coordinator
- Euan FultonAbbey MusicianEuan FultonAbbey Musician
I provide the music for services and organise singing sessions. I work alongside a volunteer musician’s assistant, and also with the other staff, volunteers and guests who contribute to the music.
Before becoming the musician at Iona Abbey, I was the musician’s assistant in 2015. I was the organist/director of music in a Church of Scotland church (2009 – 2017), then in an Episcopal church (2017 – 2021). Other musical experience includes a PhD in music from the University of Glasgow (specialising in classical composition), and playing in jazz, rock and folk bands. This diverse musical background is useful given the wide range of musicians with whom it is my privilege to work in my present position.
- Anja JardineAbbey CookAnja JardineAbbey Cook
I am the Abbey Cook, and have been in this role for over 16 years now. Being in the Abbey Kitchen with a great mix of people, all chatting away happily, while bread is baking in the ovens, soup cooking on the stove and dinner vegetables are chopped at the big table is one of my favourite things!
I am originally from Eastern Germany, having visited Iona the first time just after the wall had fallen, in 1990. Of course, I fell in love with the place and its people, and returned many times as a back packer before volunteering at the Iona Community’s Coffee House in 1999.
I never really left after this - changing my career from banking to cooking, getting married, having a lovely daughter, joining my husband in building up his boat hire business (that business degree wasn’t in vain after all), establishing a garden behind our house in the village, joining the Village Hall Committee, discovering my love for weaving and continuing to take lots and lots of photographs.
I love to be out and about, you will see me hiking or running, or as of last year, wild swimming.
What moves me at the deepest level is the joy of having family and/or friends all around a large table, enjoying food, drink and conversation.
- Sarah MacdonaldIona Community Assistant Shop ManagerSarah MacdonaldIona Community Assistant Shop Manager
- Tracey McIntyreAbbey HousekeeperTracey McIntyreAbbey Housekeeper
My name is Tracey McIntyre, I am the Abbey Housekeeper, resident on the beautiful Isle of Iona. My greatest blessings are my family, two sons and five grandchildren. Before volunteering in Iona in the summer of 2021, I worked in a range of professional fields; a long career in teaching, four years in palliative care nursing and more recently six years teaching yoga and meditation in prisons. My passions are communing with nature, being outside, swimming in the sea, enjoying conversations with everyone I meet and expressing myself creatively and freely. Social Justice, World Peace and Equality are important to me, I attempt to contribute to them in every aspect of my life. For my future I am grateful to be able to live gently, if I had a motto it would be, ‘live lightly and love deeply.
- Chris MannallAdministrator, Iona Abbey CentreChris MannallAdministrator, Iona Abbey Centre
My role, working with an assistant, is to support the Warden and the Operations Manager in all areas of administration, secretarial and logistics support, ensuring effective communications between all departments on Iona and liaising with admin and finance colleagues in Glasgow.
I'm a Chartered Civil Engineer with a career in technical and project management in the water industry at home and abroad. This included spells in Japan and South Africa. Having decided to finish that career last year I came to Iona as a volunteer for a couple of two-month stints as Sacristan and then in Housekeeping which has given me a good understanding of our community life at the Abbey. With my wife Helen who will be working in the Shop I've moved from Ilkley (yes - Baht'at!) to Iona to help provide a warm welcome to our guests. I enjoy making music and have a passion for the plight of the Palestine people.
What moves me
I'm moved when people come to Iona as strangers and leave as friends and the depth of some of those friendships.
- Patrick SmallAbbey Programme ManagerPatrick SmallAbbey Programme Manager
Patrick inspires and organises the programming for guests coming to stay with us on the island of Iona.
He loves great music and literature, and enjoys going for cycles around the island.
- Dot StewartVolunteer CoordinatorDot StewartVolunteer Coordinator
As Volunteer Coordinator my role is to make sure volunteers receive the right level of information, support and supervision, from before they arrive until after they leave.
Come to me for information if you’re interested in volunteering on Iona, and then for support while you’re here!
I was brought up in Central Scotland but have always spent time on Iona and around the Iona Community - as a ‘Community Kid’ first of all, then a Youth Associate and now as a Member.
Having previously worked at Camas, I’ve lived on Iona since 2009, and previous jobs include working in hospitality and community development.
What I enjoy and makes me laugh
I enjoy music (of many kinds), dancing (like no-one is watching) and knitting (small, simple things). I laugh the most just being silly in the company of old friends.
- Susie McGuinnessCamas Winter Administrative Support & Programme Development WorkerSusie McGuinnessCamas Winter Administrative Support & Programme Development Worker
I’m so excited to be joining the team as a programme and communications worker- getting involved with the day to day running of the centre as well as supporting our guests and finding new ways of telling folk about what goes on at Camas.
I’m from Glasgow & have a deep love of CalMac ferry chips from a childhood of Scottish island holidays! Outside- I like learning the names of plants and trees. Inside- I like reading and writing.
Hats I’ve previously worn include working with local communities at a literary festival, as a policy officer for a children’s charity, and as an artist working in primary schools.
What makes me laugh out loud is the nonsense my friends share with me. Recently a video called ‘Seal Yells And Sighs Like Man’. Worth looking up!!
- Hanna AlbrechtProgramme CoordinatorHanna AlbrechtProgramme Coordinator
I plan and facilitate the programme for Abbey guests. Through storytelling, small group conversations, writing, music and art, I aim to make space for self-reflection, inspiration, empowerment and fun. Come to me if you have questions or ideas about programming on Iona.
I grew up in Germany in a bilingual (German/French) and very loud household, curtesy of having a big family! Before moving to Iona, I lived in Edinburgh for 8 years and worked with university students, primarily to support their health and wellbeing. I love writing (poetry especially) and am passionate about LGBTQ+ issues and the ways they intersect and connect with wider social justice movements.
What makes me laugh out loud, the TV show Derry Girls
What moves me at my deepest level is when people step into a space of vulnerability, and share their true and authentic self with others.
- Nick WelshManager of the Community Shop and Welcome CentreNick WelshManager of the Community Shop and Welcome CentreMy roleManager of the Community Shop and Welcome Centre. Come to me for book recommendations in particular.BioI first came to Iona as a volunteer over 30 years ago. I met my husband Hadrian working in the kitchen and we got married in the Abbey two years later. Most of my working life I have been a nurse, until we moved to Mull five years ago when I started working for Historic Environment Scotland at the Abbey. I’m passionate about my family, the environment, books, being active in community in whatever form that takes.What makes me laugh out loud is my dogs.
- Drew DysonCamas Maintenance ResidentDrew DysonCamas Maintenance Resident
I try my best to fix things around camas alongside helping the centre run with my fellow staff.
I've always had an interest in building, fixing, digging and generally working with my hands; my time at university was often spent making models and gizmos out of things I could find around my flat rather than actually working on my literature degree...
I have a strong connection to Camas, having visited as a young person every year from 2009 to 2016 so being able to become a part of it has meant a great deal.
What makes me laugh
Terrible puns and well-timed facial expressions.
- Tom WardleEstate ManagerTom WardleEstate Manager
I'm responsible for the management of the Community's properties on the Islands, both on Iona and at Camas. This includes organising and supporting the maintenance staff and volunteers, and ensuring that the buildings are in the best condition to deal with the west coast weather!
Before my role as the Islands Estate Manager, Rachel and I moved to Mull in February 2020 with our two young children Rowan and Douglas so I could take up the position as Camas Coordinator. We met at Camas in 2009 when I visited as a group leader while Rachel was volunteering, and we've been closely attached ever since. Before becoming the Camas Coordinator I was a Youth and Community Project Manager with Cre8 Macclesfield, running a community music studio and bike workshop for disadvantaged young people. I'm passionate about giving people opportunities and space to grow, community living and embracing difference.
What makes me laugh out loud are friendly jibes and social satire.
- Caro PenneyIona Abbey WardenCaro PenneyIona Abbey Warden
As Abbey Warden I have the privilege of being part of the Iona Community’s team working in Iona. My main responsibilities are overall care of our life and work here, especially worship and programme, and ensuring the Abbey is a place of welcome to all.
My first visit to Iona was a family holiday in 1971 and the seed planted then, slowly began sprouting over the next decade, bursting into flower in 1984 when I first stayed in the Abbey! My journey with the Community continued, working in the Edinburgh office as part-time secretary in the MacLeod Centre fundraising team. After several years of ‘shorthand and typing’ work for various church-related charities, I was nudged towards ordained ministry and my training coincided with being on the Community’s New Members Programme.
After twenty enriching years as a URC minister, mainly in two priority areas in Glasgow, I stepped back from ‘formal’ ministry and since then have held various roles within the Community, and the mainland congregation I’m a member of.
I’m part of the Interfaith Relations CCN and passionate about embracing God’s love and wisdom in people of all faiths/cultures, and none; we have so much to learn from and with each other, and from and with the earth and all its creatures - we are all part of the same eco-system.
What makes me laugh?
Seeing the funny side is vital to a healthy life, and living in community gives so many opportunities to laugh out loud, even during a service!What moves me?
So many things!
Hearing personal, moving stories from friends and strangers; the courage people have of sharing their vulnerability and the difference that makes to trusting each other; the wonder of creation on our doorstep; being held and freed by community; justice and peace-focused ecumenical worship in the non-denominational Abbey; the mystery and immanence of the divine; life in all its potential; finding buds of hope in the earth, in nature, in people… - Declan ByrneIona Abbey Deputy CookDeclan ByrneIona Abbey Deputy CookRoleI am new to this Deputy Cook role and look forward to the season ahead, growing in experience and meeting new people who will call the Abbey their home.BiographyI am originally from Co Armagh in Ireland and have lived on Iona since 2017, when I first came to the island to work with the Iona Community for six months. Since then, I have worked in hospitality on the Island in various places and in the local primary school. Before coming to Iona, I was involved in the youth and community work in Belfast.What makes you laugh out loud - I am easily entertained but appreciate a dry wit.