A Camas Summer

Image: Northern Lights at Camas: D.Dyson

We’ve just reached the end of our youth work season at Camas. We finished up with two high energy (and fairly rainy) weeks shared with groups Camas has known for years – the GK Experience and Cre8 from Macclesfield.

Cre8 embarked on the inaugural Camas Olympic games, with countries Utopia, Jam-aica (home of the proud Berry people), Winland, and Epica competing in events including shore crab racing, leaky bucket relay and the most intense (hour long!) game of Team Jenga the bay has ever seen.

It was also great to welcome some new faces to the centre this Summer, with a visit from Peace and Justice’s youth project in Craigmillar, as well as two first time school groups from Edinburgh and Stockport.  Our final volunteers of the season arrive this week as we enter the last stint.
There is still time for individuals to join us at Camas this season- we have our Quietly Wild week led by Ruth Harvey, as well as Creative Week coming up in September.
We’re also welcoming keen gardeners along for Nurture the Land as the season closes.
Visit the Camas Themed Weeks page to find out more and you can get in touch with Susie at [email protected] for more information. 
By Susie McGuinness
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