
Community Empowerment

We will empower more people to be agents for community transformation

Building on the growing passion for faith-based community, we’ll deepen our understanding of what it means to bring our whole selves into community, and work to become a more diverse membership


Justice and Peace

We will strengthen and deepen our justice and peace advocacy work.

Without justice for those with least money, voice or power, violence and war will continue to escalate across the globe. We are reminded of our roots in post-war Glasgow and will continue to seek a just society for all Creation.


Care for Creation

We will integrate more environmentally sustainable policies, procedures and practices into our community life

Those who have done least to cause the climate catastrophe are also those who will suffer most from its consequences. Through action and contemplation, and in partnership with all Creation, we will play our part in restoring an environment in which all of life can flourish.


Youth at Heart

We will increase the number and quality of spaces where people of all ages are welcomed

We are committed to providing non-judgmental, inclusive spaces where young people from all backgrounds can explore both the heart and the edges of faith and of life.


Sustainable Resources

We will build systems to become a financially sustainable and increasingly resilient organisation

We build community by sharing with one another, carefully and compassionately, about how we use and share the resources at our disposal. At the heart of all this is our vision: to model a divine eco-system which is sustainable, and where relationship is treasured above transaction.


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