Enough to Live?

Enough to Live? A joint letter to the UK Prime Minister 

On 21 September 2022, Ruth Harvey on behalf of the Iona Community, signed an open letter to the Prime Minister along with over 50 faith and charity leaders. Together they were calling for direct support for the poorest households in response to rising living costs.

“As faith groups, charities, trade unions and front-line organisations we have seen the cost of living emergency escalating not only in the statistics but in the lives of people we meet day to day, in foodbanks, debt centres and in our places of worship. The least well off in our communities are facing the sharpest end of this crisis, and without substantial support will be dragged into destitution.

It is the urgent, moral responsibility of the Prime Minister to ensure that people on the lowest incomes have enough to live in the months ahead. Spiralling costs are affecting everyone, but for those who were already fighting to keep their heads above water this winter’s challenges will be a matter of life and death.”

You can read this letter in full on the JPIT website. Is Cost of Living Support Enough? (jpit.uk)

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