Lent Week 6 – Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus, 

you have spoken again and again 

of your end and new beginning 

to disciples who do not or will not understand. 

Now you have entered the city 

and you summon all who would follow you 

to wait and watch with you. 

Help us to enter into the intensity 

of the week ahead of us 

that we may truly wait and watch with you 

as all is revealed, all is changed. 

Before the revealing of love’s way, 

love’s cost, 

love’s victory 

and love’s glory 

may our lives be changed and reborn also. 


Leith Fisher from Iona  Dawn, Neil Paynter (ed)Through Holy Week with the Iona Community 

Book available here.


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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