Come to Camas & come back to your senses

‘Every time I walk down the track to Camas, the same thing happens. Just as I reach the crest of the last hill and the sea comes into view, and then the roof of the building, I feel a weight lift from my shoulders (even if I’m carrying a rucksack).

It doesn’t matter what mood I’m in, or whether I’m worried about something, or nothing, or even whether I know who’ll be there. Every time, my breathing relaxes and my heart sings. I feel that I am coming back to my senses.’ Kathy Galloway, from the forward to ‘Down the Track: A Camas anthology’

Camas, the Iona Community’s outdoor centre on the Isle of Mull, welcomes lots of groups every year. But it’s not just for groups.

Camas has a number of themed weeks that are open to individuals, families, groups of friends, to anyone who would like to come down the track and join in our off-grid community life.

Bring a project or a blank canvas or page to Creative Week.

Immerse yourself in the wild, rugged beauty of Camas during Quietly Wild Week.

Reconnect with yourself as part of nature in Earth, My Body week.

Join Kathy in coming back to your senses during Environment Week.

Or come along to help prepare the garden and Camas centre for the quieter winter months in Nurture the Land and Work Weeks. Find out more and take your pick using the links below:

Come to Camas and come back to your senses.

Environment Week

Join Kathy Galloway and the Camas team to explore what it means to ‘Come Back to Our Senses’ in relationship with our environment and our approach to the climate crisis.

Earth, My Body

Join us for a week of embodiment, creativity, nature connection and reflection. This week is dedicated to remembering the body as sacred, through relationship with the earth. Led by Camas Coordinator and Dance/Movement Therapist, Fiona McFarlane.  

Quietly Wild

Experience the magic of Camas through a week of quiet reflection and nature connection. Led by Iona Community leader Ruth Harvey and outdoor instructor, Nick Austin.

Creative Week

Reinvigorate your creative practice through a mix of guided workshops and free solo creative time in the beautiful nature surrounding of the Camas bay.

Nurture the land – Autumn

Join us at Camas for a week of nurturing our land, whilst nurturing yourself, with a week of simple community living and sharing common tasks together in our abundant organic garden and woodland. This week is available at a discounted rate.

Work Week

Come and join us for a week of fixing and preparing Camas for the season ahead. There are always things to fix around Camas and many hands make light work.

Care for Creation – 3 or 6 nights

Iona Abbey Centre Isle of Iona, United Kingdom

This week is now also open for 3 night stays. Do you need to sharpen your vision of a world transformed? Are you longing to connect with others who care for Creation? Discover how you can act more justly for people and planet.

Environment Week

Join Kathy Galloway and the Camas team to explore what it means to ‘Come Back to Our Senses’ in relationship with our environment and our approach to the climate crisis.

Earth, My Body

Join us for a week of embodiment, creativity, nature connection and reflection. This week is dedicated to remembering the body as sacred, through relationship with the earth. Led by Camas Coordinator and Dance/Movement Therapist, Fiona McFarlane.  

Pilgrimage of life (FULLY BOOKED)

Iona Abbey Centre Isle of Iona, United Kingdom

Exploring our lives as pilgrimage, deepening our resources to face climate change with Alastair McIntosh, author of Parables of Northern Seed, Soil and Soul, Hell and High Water, Poacher’s Pilgrimage and more.

Join a Common Concern Network

Interested in faith and social justice? You're in the right place.

Common Concern Networks are open to all Iona Community Members and Associate Members.

Explore our website to find out more about our passion for social justice and our membership.

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