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weeWONDERBOX: Easter In The City – Words, Stages, A Cross

John in NLights

Easter in the City is a 2 part-series, which offers an opportunity to enter into and reflect upon some of the events of the last hours of Jesus' life. This afternoon, on Good Friday, we focus on the events leading up to Jesus' execution by the Roman authorities. Through readings, prayers, symbolic action, song and

weeWONDERBOX: The Wee Social Box – CANCELLED

John in NLights

This month's Wee Social Box has been cancelled, due to a Glasgow Iona Community Family Group fundraising ceilidh the same evening featuring live music from Macappella Ceilidh Band. 8pm–11pm, University of Glasgow Chapel, University Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8QQ. Tickets £10. Students & OAPS £5.00. ...... The Wee Social Box is a monthly opportunity for folk

weeWONDERBOX: Root 66 – On the East Side

IFiT interview at Camas

Biblical blethers on the hoof Root 66 continues on Sunday 7th May @ 3.00-5.30pm, at Seven Lochs Wetland Park on the east side of Glasgow. According to the tale of human origins related in Genesis 4, family life got off to a bad start and a murderous brother was banished to a land called 'Wandering' in the

weeWONDERBOX: Root 66 (4)

Biblical blethers on the hoof XXXX Ayr shorefront or River Ayr via Auchincruive to Annbank - 3pm start. Details Cost: Free (tho’ donations welcomed) Booking / RSVP: If you can, please let us know if you’re coming (see the bottom of this page, under Venue details) or email us: Venue: TBC   To receive


WWBOX: Wee Weekly Liturgy

John in NLights

Each week between September 2017 and June 2018, weeWONDERBOX offers a weekly Iona Community & Wild Goose liturgy.

A time to still your body, mind and soul, be affirmed and comforted as well as challenged. Participative worship which uses unaccompanied song, music, conversation and simple symbolic action to explore how the Word, our experience and lives intersect.

Each liturgy is led variously by the Iona Community Programme Team, the Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community members, associates or friends.

wWBOX: Where Three Streams Meet

John in NLights

Danish / Scottish conversations on Liturgy Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 September 2017 Denmark is a predominantly Lutheran nation, Scotland, a predominantly Calvinist one, in terms of their respective Christian heritage. There are distinctive spiritual streams, but each in practice, incorporates other significant influences. So in this year, marking 500 years since the Reformation, a


WWBOX: Prayers For Healing And The Laying On Of Hands

John in NLights

A service of prayers for healing and laying on of hands

On the last Wednesday of each month between September 2017 and June 2018, weeWONDERBOX offers a monthly liturgy that consists of prayer and action for healing, hope and well-being.


WWBOX: The Wee Music Box

John in NLights

A monthly workshop course on music – its purpose and potential, how to use it imaginatively in congregations and much more.

Led by John L. Bell, Jane Bentley & Carol McArthur.

The course is open to all who are interested in the potential of music in the church – its importance in worship, pastoral work, and spirituality. Each evening is self-contained, so that participants may come for the whole course or specific evenings.


WWBOX: Wee Words

John in NLights

Evening conversations with Wild Goose Publications authors & others Short, long, complicated, intriguing, and interesting words from authors of Wild Goose Publications. Come and listen to their experiences, storytelling, and share your ideas about writing and reading. Wee Words is a monthly series of literary opportunities, hosted by Alex O'Neill and other Wild Goose Publications

WWBOX: Pandora’s Box

John in NLights

A monthly event - after our Wednesday Wee Weekly Worship - focusing on pressing, topical or intriguing issues concerning faith, politics, society and culture. In the original Greek myth, when Pandora opened her box (or jar), death and many other 'evils' escaped into the world. All that was left in it was ... hope. We

WWBOX: Root 66 – Fire Works

Spring on Iona

Biblical blethers on the hoof “Fire Works” ... well, does it?! Come and walk as we explore some well-known and less well-known Biblical tales featuring fire. A preparatory challenge - have a look for the one that intrigues you most! We'll be visiting Baidlandhill, Dalry. Meet at Cross, Dalry town centre @ 2.30pm. Train from


WWBOX: Violence Divine

John in NLights

An eight-session DVD-based study series on overcoming the Church’s biblical betrayal of its non-violent God. Tuesdays @ 7.00-9.00pm; 7 Nov / 14 Nov / 21 Nov / 28 Nov / 9 Jan / 16 Jan / 23 Jan / 30 Jan.

WWBOX: The Three Marys in The Gospel Tradition (Urban Retreat)

John in NLights

Looking at the gospel stories through the stories of three women: Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, Mary of Magdala The three Marys have been characters upon whom Christianity has long hung archetypes: Virgin, Bossy, Prostitute. During this urban retreat, Pádraig Ó Tuama will help us explore the stories of these extraordinary women in the

WWBOX: Swap Night

John in NLights

If you’ve had a holiday clearout, or Santa missed the mark with one or two not-quite-you gifts, bring along anything that someone else might like, and see what others bring that takes your fancy! Feel free to come empty-handed! Refreshments provided, suggested donation £3. Anything left unswapped will be given to local charity shops. From



John in NLights

Unfortunately, due to a low level of interest Dust & Ashes has been cancelled. Our apologies. A Lenten Urban Retreat A short, afternoon time for reflection in the city, for those who wish to ponder the nature of the season. Following previous successful urban retreats, this is a second opportunity to take time to focus


WWBOX: Urban Pilgrimage: In Her Footsteps

John in NLights

Saturday morning explorations and meditations on foot This is not round Iona, or Cuthbert’s Way or the Camino, but a focused stroll around Glasgow. We are enabling a series of these on the third Saturday of each month, from February to April 2018, as part of the weeWONDERBOX programme. Each morning will focus on a


WWBOX: The Wee Music Box

John in NLights

A monthly workshop course on music – its purpose and potential, how to use it imaginatively in congregations and much more.

Led by John L. Bell, Jane Bentley & Carol McArthur.

The course is open to all who are interested in the potential of music in the church – its importance in worship, pastoral work, and spirituality. Each evening is self-contained, so that participants may come for the whole course or specific evenings.


WWBOX: Pandora’s Box

John in NLights

Tonight: Wednesday 14th March:  'Betrayed By Technology?' A film and discussion, enabled by Graham Maule on the promises and challenges of our contemporary relationship to technology and what that might mean for the future A monthly event - after our Wednesday Wee Weekly Worship - focusing on pressing, topical or intriguing issues concerning faith, politics,

WWBOX: Urban Pilgrimage – ‘Glasgow & Slavery’

John in NLights

Saturday morning explorations and meditations on foot This is not round Iona, or Cuthbert’s Way or the Camino, but a focused stroll around Glasgow. On this walk, Iona Community member, Iain Whyte, will lead us through Glasgow locations that even today bear the clear traces of aspects of a less-than admirable Imperial past. Iain's book


WWBOX: The Wee Music Box

John in NLights

A monthly workshop course on music – its purpose and potential, how to use it imaginatively in congregations and much more.

Led by John L. Bell, Jane Bentley & Carol McArthur.

The course is open to all who are interested in the potential of music in the church – its importance in worship, pastoral work, and spirituality. Each evening is self-contained, so that participants may come for the whole course or specific evenings.


WWBOX: Urban Pilgrimage: Counter-Tourism

John in NLights

Saturday morning explorations and meditations on foot This is not round Iona, or Cuthbert’s Way or the Camino, but a focused stroll around Glasgow. We are enabling a series of these on the third Saturday of each month, from February to April 2018, as part of the weeWONDERBOX programme. Each morning will focus on a

WWBOX: The Wee Music Box

John in NLights

A monthly workshop course on music – its purpose and potential, how to use it imaginatively in congregations and much more.

Led by John L. Bell, Jane Bentley & Carol McArthur.

The course is open to all who are interested in the potential of music in the church – its importance in worship, pastoral work, and spirituality. Each evening is self-contained, so that participants may come for the whole course or specific evenings.

WWBOX: Pandora’s Box

John in NLights

Tonight: Wednesday 9th May: 'On Me Too'   Lesley Orr leads us in a discussion about the Me Too movement to support survivors and end sexual violence. A monthly event - after our Wednesday Wee Weekly Worship - focusing on pressing, topical or intriguing issues concerning faith, politics, society and culture. In the original Greek myth,


Wee Weekly Worship

John in NLights

A weekly opportunity to worship @ weeWONDERBOX This session - 2018-19 - our monthly cycle of worship will follow a set of sequential themes that many who are familiar with the Iona Community will recognise: Quiet Time Prayers for Justice & Peace Prayers for Healing Act of Commitment On months that have a fifth Wednesday,


Brexit And The Book Of Ruth

John in NLights

Conversations about Brexit, borders and belonging This series of nine gatherings uses the book of Ruth from the Hebrew Bible to explore some of the pressing issues of these uncertain times. It has been produced by the Corrymeela Community as a public theology initiative. The Book of Ruth details the story of Ruth, her mother–in–law

$20.00 – $30.00

Becoming Human Together

John in NLights

A theological reflection on migration A four-part, monthly series, enabled by Kathy Galloway, co-Leader of the Iona Community. An invitation to look beyond the images we see on the news to see where God is and where God wants us to be on this journey. This series is based on a new resource published jointly

$11.00 – $15.00

Brexit And The Book Of Ruth

John in NLights

Tonight's event has been cancelled. Our apologies.   Conversations about Brexit, borders and belonging This series of nine gatherings uses the book of Ruth from the Hebrew Bible to explore some of the pressing issues of these uncertain times. It has been produced by the Corrymeela Community as a public theology initiative. The Book of

Wee Words: Alison Phipps & Tawona Sitholé

John in NLights

A conversation in poetry An evening of poetry, written and read by Alison Phipps and Tawona Sitholé. The first in the occasional Wee Words series, which features Wild Goose Publications authors, with Master of Ceremonies, Neil Paynter. In September 2015 the world woke up to the fact that people seeking refuge from war and persecution

Hadeel Pop-Up Shop Launch

John in NLights

  Celebrating the advent of the Palestinian food and handcraft outlet in Glasgow Interested in buying goods in support of fair trade, justice and, in particular, Palestinian farmers and craftworkers? Hadeel is a Fair Trade shop in Edinburgh which has been offering this possibility for many years to the good folk of the (Scottish) Far


Leonard Cohen & Dark Days Of Advent

John in NLights

During this retreat, Pádraig Ó Tuama will help us explore some of the lyrics and some of the life of Leonard Cohen, looking at his Jewish heritage, his appropriation of liturgy, his engagement with poetic form and his unflinching honesty in the face of a life lived with art and pain.

$30.00 – $45.00

Jim Forest On Peacemaking

John in NLights

In conversation with Kathy Galloway Tonight, weeWONDERBOX is delighted to host this event with Jim Forest, the renowned US writer, activist and co-founder of the Catholic Peace Fellowship. Jim has been a tireless worker for peace since the early 1960s and is one of the few people still living who knew Thomas Merton as a


Hadeel Pop-Up Shop – Advent

John in NLights

The occasional Palestinian food and handcraft outlet in Glasgow The Advent edition of our new regular opportunity to buy food and crafts in support of fair trade, justice and Palestinian farmers and craftworkers. Find unique Christmas gifts and show practical solidarity with an oppressed people. Hadeel is a Fair Trade shop in Edinburgh which has

Hadeel & Fair Trade Pop-Up Shop – Fairtrade Fortnight

John in NLights

The occasional Fairtrade and Palestinian shop in Glasgow   Fair trade in Scotland - Where’s it at? Where's it going? This month we'll be particularly celebrating the advent of Fairtrade Fortnight by featuring a short input from Martin Rhodes of the Scottish Fair Trade Forum @ 11.30am. Otherwise, and as usual, if you are ...


Countering Pharaoh

John in NLights

... and his Production-Consumption Society today - a DVD-based study series featuring Walter Brueggemann   “It is a journey from slavery to covenant that we keep making over and over again… Pharaoh has immense power always to draw us back into slavery.”  (Walter Brueggemann) A weeWONDERBOX faith exploration and study course for Lent. Using discussion


Hadeel & Fair Trade Pop-Up Shop – Iona Community Regional Plenary

The occasional Fairtrade and Palestinian shop in Glasgow   This month, we'll be at the Iona Community's Regional Plenary, which takes place at the Calton Heritage & Learning Centre, 423 London Road, Glasgow G40 1AG (on the corner of London Road and Tobago Street, directly opposite Templeton's Business Centre), So, if you're going to

‘I Have Called You By Name’

John in NLights

A Soul Marks Art & Prayer workshop with Carol Marples @ weeWONDERBOX Image © C. Marples Download a poster here. Any help with publicity, much appreciated!   This workshop combines practical artwork, image, music, word and silence: no artistic experience is needed. All are welcome ... wherever you are on your spiritual and artistic journeys.

An Intimate Evening With … Michael Leunig

John in NLights

In conversation This event is now sold out. Admission by pre-booked ticket only Michael Leunig is a cartoonist and poet, under which guises he displays a lively and incisive philosophical and theological mind, commenting on issues of the day. In this Intimate Evening, we invite him to say a little about the role of the

Picture The Word

Exploring the Bible without getting bored When we read or hear a passage from the Bible, it often doesn't stick. How could we stay with it, play with it, chew on it and even be changed by it? This autumn weeWONDERBOX offers an experimental series of evenings exploring the Bible creatively. Through collage, wordles, image-making

Living With The Bible

John in NLights

A two day international conversation on how to make friends with Holy Scripture, enabled by the Wild Goose Resource Group   The Bible ... ... open or closed? ... public or private? ... experience or theory? ... dynamic or dead? Many lay people feel inadequate when speaking about the Bible. And quite a few ministers

Janne Mark: A Little Night Music For Pilgrims

John in NLights

An evening concert   Janne Mark writes hymns. Yet there is nothing about her that is stuck in a fusty tradition. She writes in the here and now, she is socially aware and committed, and in her work she draws on the freedom of jazz and all of the breadth of the Scandinavian folk tradition.

A weeWONDERBOX Worship

John in NLights

  A participative liturgy of around 45 – 60 minutes.   Cost: Free (though donations welcomed) Time: 6.00 - 6.45pm Venue: 21 Carlton Court, Glasgow, Scotland G5 9JP, Scotland. Access to the event space is via one step. Inside there is a low-stepped ramp. We are happy to provide assistance.   To receive updates of


Picture The Word

Exploring the Bible without getting bored When we read or hear a passage from the Bible, it often doesn't stick. How could we stay with it, play with it, chew on it and even be changed by it? This autumn weeWONDERBOX offers an experimental series of evenings exploring the Bible creatively. Through collage, wordles, image-making

An Intimate Evening with … Mark Burrows

John in NLights

WE REGRET THAT THIS EVENT HAS HAD TO BE CANCELLED Mark Burrows is an academic theologian and published poet as fluent in German as in the American English which is his native tongue. He contributes to and edits poetry magazines as well as being an avid translator of texts from German into English. In recent years


I Have Called You By Name #2

John in NLights

A Soul Marks Art & Prayer workshop taster with Carol Marples Image © C. Marples   Another chance to enjoy the Art and Prayer taster workshop earlier in the year, in case you missed it first time around! This workshop combines practical artwork, image, music, word and silence: no artistic experience is needed. All are

Touch The Earth Lightly

John in NLights

An Art and Prayer Workshop Day led by Carol Marples   What is an Art and Prayer workshop day and who is it for? It combines practical artwork, image, music, silence and word. All are welcome and no artistic experience is needed. The workshop is not about learning to draw or paint, but about exploring

Have a Complicated Advent, with RS Thomas

John in NLights

An Advent Urban Retreat with Pádraig Ó Tuama R.S. Thomas was a Welsh poet and priest. Prolific in publishing during his lifetime, his work spanned landscape, religion, nationalism, power and prayer. At once both soothing and unsettling, his work takes strong language and puts it into the place of poetry and prayer. When considering the


Lent Series

Lament for Lent weekly @ weeWONDERBOX God isn't afraid of our grief, doesn't cower when we complain and does not take our lament lightly. Through biblical exploration, discussion and creative expression, we'll have the opportunity, rather than saying "Fine thanks", to let the unsaid out. This six-week series is based on the Church Mission Society's

POSTPONED: Mediterranean Hope

John in NLights

An evening with Fiona Kendall Fiona Kendall is a Scottish lawyer currently working as a Church of Scotland mission partner with Mediterranean Hope, a Rome-based organisation supporting and doing advocacy work for refugees and asylum-seekers. After a short opening liturgy, Fiona will show a short video highlighting aspects of Mediterranean Hope's work, then speak in

POSTPONED: Uncertainty and Hope

An Art and Prayer Workshop led by Carol Marples The post resurrection stories tell of uncertain times, strange happenings, signs of hope and a new way forward. In our uncertain and changing world where do we find hope? How do we respond? What steps can we take forward? A day to reflect through image, music, poetry,

ColumbaFest 2023

Govan and Linthouse Parish Church 796 Govan Road, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Join us for our SEASONAL CELEBRATION OF FAITH, CULTURE, POLITICS AND CREATIVITY Saturday 10th June 2023 10am-4pm with Siskin Green 7.30-8.30pm ‘Gathering’ The lingering fragility and unprocessed grief; the unseen struggles and changed-forevers. What are we gathering from all we experienced with Covid and the lockdowns? How are we gathering ourselves now? Our gentle festival day will be

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